It's got Chinese food, 'natch, carry-out and nearby too, because we gots yr Regular Civilization Here. You just like call, and they tell you "Ten minutes," and it's like, for realz, ready for you in ten.
Walked there, less than two blocks from "chez de la casa hut" of Your Pilgrim, in flip-flops, because October and barely three blocks in total steps traversed, and also, Your Pilgrim made: A Promise, To God, last year. For reals.
Lovely sweet man there at the Chinese restaurant place knows me, always remembers my order (Szechuan Chicken) just by looking at Caller ID! Always smiles so slight and brightly, sometimes gives me a half-pint of Hot 'n Sour soup when my customary whole pint is not this time on my order, and never says anything when I use my credit card to pay for an order that is below the "$10 minimum, please."
In the first year of Your Pilgrim's third mission here (August 2010-present), I would go there Every Tuesday of the World.
Also, the streets here, in Your Pilgrim's 'hood, they (Ack!
Double Nomative!) are always lovely brimming full of Happy People, and Gay People too. And on Fridays, 'specially, the female people: They're dressed like: Wow.
Also, on Fridays 'specially, and as it gets later, even more 'specially, I hear on P Street, nine floors below, the pleasing spoken noise of many happy people, engaged earnestly in rituals both complicated delicately dancing and so very basic foolproof certain too: Hoping To Get Laid. The happy in their noise is soothing and contagious. I wish them well, I do. Bon chance! y'all.
Anyways, whole lotta happy here, y'all, Whole Lotta Love. And takeout Chinese.
Oh, and:
Good shabbos, y'all.
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