(via Jezebel's Doug Barry.)
This is so Fan-Freakin-abso-Fuckin-lutely-All-Kinds-o-AWESOME-tastic you guys.
Here's the deal. These young women (click-y the link-y, watch-y the vid-y, prepare-ye to be all happiez-y. Runtime: 3:47 of nonstop amazing, with the coolest music cue.), these women who are 7th graders, They Did This Science-y Project Thing. Which was awesome, yr pilgrim, duly sworn, testifies and swears.
They, these awesome young lady-persons, made this rocket-shaped payload (a la the retro hokey 1940s-1950s conceptions, back when some movies actually portrayed fast-blowing atmospheric winds, IN SPACE). They designed this lifting lofting apparatus, and set up the video to record the mission.
And this whole awesome cool thing which These Girls, who are awesome young WOMYN, yay, which they, did we mention, designed and made: It went to SPACE, people. IT WENT TO FUCKING SPACE. (nerd/tech note: it passed the boundary known as Karman Line, defined as 50 miles above surface. Prolly at the Wiki Thingie, accessible somewheres on the intertubes, where y'all can look it up. )
But here is yr Pilgrim's most-est favorite-est part, which grants his face and his everythings the sooper surpassing happies, about this most awesome very cool thing, which these awesome-young-Double-X-Chromosome-having persons So Totally Did:
It is the *Cool de Grace*, y'all. Ready?
HELLO KITTY was the passenger who went to space. How awesome ADORABLE is that?
Anyways, that is all, you guys. Love y'all truly I do. Gonna go now and haves me a happiez cry at the Awesomes.
Um, kthnxbai.